Timepiece Timerates and Absolute
Velocity (AV)
Bob Kroepel
Copyright © Feb 9 2012
Lakeside Studios
20 South Shore Road
New Durham, NH USA 03855
Fact/Observation/Measurement: When a timepiece (clock, watch, etc.) is
accelerated or decelerated inre the Earth's surface and returned, the
timepiece's timerate (tick-rate, rate of ticking, RoT) changes as a
result of accelerations/decelerations, but when returned to the Earth's
surface, the timepiece's timerate reassumes its original timerate.
Q: Why does the timerate of a timepiece (a clock, watch, etc., which is
used to measure time) which has been accelerated/decelerated from the
Earth's surface reassume its original timerate when the timepiece is
returned to the Earth's surface?
A: The timerate of a timepiece which has been accelerated/decelerated
from the Earth's surface reassumes its original timerate when the
timepiece is returned to the Earth's surface because there is a
physical/causal relationship between the timepiece's timerate and the
timepiece's absolute velocity (AV)!
Reasoning: Regardless of what is the absolute motion (AM) of the Earth
inre the Universe, e.g. regardless of how many star systems, galaxies,
black holes, etc., the Earth may rotate about inre its motion
throughout the Universe, the Earth has a single specific AV which
determines the specific timerate of a specific timepiece. If this fact
were not true, then a returned timepiece which has not been damaged and
is therefore functioning as designed might have a different timerate.
One way to determine if or not a returned timepiece is functioning as
designed just might be the observation/measurement of whether or not it
has reassumed its original Earthbound timerate.
Time is the use of a chosen duration, which can be directly modeled
after a naturally recurring or periodic motion, or abstracted from a
naturally recurring or periodic motion, or or artificially created by a
choice of gears for a mechanical clock or an oscillation or fluctuation
counter for quartz and digital clocks, for a time-interval (TI) to be
used as a unit of temporal measurement of the durations between the
occurrences of multiple events, the durations of single events, and the
durations (ages) of people and objects, and for the generation in
timepieces (clocks, watches, etc. used for measuring time—temporal
measurement) of their timerates, timepoints (marks on timelines),
timelines (histories, temporal records, continuums of time), and
timecounts (the accumulation of timepoints which generates the arrow of
time from the past through the present into the future) necessary for
the determination of the sequences of events, the simultaneities of
events (when simultaneity is operationally defined as two or more
events occurring at the same timepoint), the causalities of events
(when causality is operationally defined as people, objects and events
who/which are comprised of matter/energy—m/e—and who/which are causes
cause as effects changes in pre-existing people, objects and events or
new people, objects and events from pre-existing m/e in a causal
sequence of 1. Cause(s)—2. Effect(s)), and the rates of changes of
physical states of people, objects and events including inertial states
(states of motion)), and for the coordination (synchronization) of
events, inre single and multiple reference frames/bodies.
The essence of time is the TI.
If (P) a TI is variable, i.e. distortable, distorted by accelerations
and decelerations which change its timepiece's inertial state, then (Q)
the TI is a variable TI (VTI); if (P) the TI is invariable, i.e.
non-distortable, not distorted by accelerations and decelerations which
change its timepiece's inertial state, because its timepiece's timerate
is adjusted to maintain a desired timerate, then (Q) the TI is an
invariable TI (ITI).
If (P) a VTI is used to generate a timepiece's timerate, timepoints,
timeline, and timecount, then (Q) that timepiece is a VTI clock (VTIC)
whose TI, timerate, timepoints, timeline, and timecount will be
distorted when forces cause the VTIC to accelerate or decelerate, and
therefore the clock will become a distortable-clock or d-clock; if (P)
an ITI is used to generate a timepiece's timerate, timepoints,
timeline, and timecount, then (Q) that timepiece is an ITI clock (ITIC)
whose TI, timerate, timepoints, timeline, and timecount will NOT be
distorted when forces cause the ITIC to accelerate or decelerate, and
therefore the clock will become a non-distortable-clock or nd-clock.
There are two basic designs which can be used to create ITICs,
nd-clocks: (1) The Radio Clock Design, wherein a master clock sends
radio signals to slave clocks to adjust the slave clocks' timerates to
maintain a desired timerate; and (2) The Inertial Clock Design, wherein
accelerometers and computers are designed to detect changes in a
clock's inertial state and adjust the clock's timerate to maintain a
desired timerate.
Inre radio clocks (radio ITICs), the master clock functions to cause
the timerate of a slave clock to be "independent of the state of motion
of [its] body of reference" [Einstein, Relativity, 1961 edition, p.
27], i.e. for the timerate of a slave clock to be independent of its
inertial state, the inertial state of its reference body, which is
whatever body is wherein the slave clock is at-rest, at a relative
velocity (RV) of 0.00c, which reference body is also the slave clock's
reference frame (RF).
The master clock in a radio clock design is at-rest at RV = 0.00c inre
a reference body, which has an initial (original) inertial state. If
that initial inertial state is unchanged, not distorted, by
accelerations or decelerations, then that master radio clock will
continue to function as designed and its TI, timerate, timepoints,
timeline, and timecount will be undistorted, and the master radio clock
will cause its slave radio clocks to maintain the desired chosen
timerate and thereby those slave radio clocks will continue to be
"independent of the state of motion of the body of reference". Here on
Earth, so long as the Earth is stable inre its motion inre the
Universe, i.e. its rotation about its axis, its orbit about the Sun,
and the Sun's orbit(s) about anything else in the Universe, then the
master radio clock's inertial state will remain unchanged (undistorted,
e.g. its AV will remain unchanged) and it will continue to send those
radio signals to its slave radio clocks which will cause them to be
continuously "independent of the state of motion of [their bodies] of
Inre inertial clocks (inertial ITICs), the accelerometers and computers
function to cause the inertial clocks' timerates to be "independent of
the state of motion of the body of reference", i.e. for the timerate of
an inertial clock to be 100% independent of the inertial state of
whatever reference body upon which the inertial clock may be at-rest at
RV = 0.00c. Moreover, an inertial clock is 100% independent of the
state of motion of its initial reference body (the reference body upon
which the inertial clock was designed and fabricated and from which it
was deployed). Therefore, if there should be a change of the inertial
state of the inertial clock's initial reference body, then that
inertial state change will not affect the operation of the inertial
clock because the inertial clock is 100% independent of the inertial or
physical state of its inertial reference body. Similarly, if an
inertial clock's inertial reference body should be destroyed, then that
physical state change will not affect the operation of the inertial
clock because the inertial clock is 100% independent of the inertial or
physical state of its inertial reference body.
Radio clocks are realities. Radio clocks (radio ITICs, RITICs) are
deployed in the timing systems of the standard clocks (the clock used
for time standards, including the standard second) of the USNO (US
Naval Observatory), standard clocks of the US NIST (US National
Institute of Standards and Technology), and the standard clocks of the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (French: Bureau
internationale des poids et mesures—BIPM), and the US GPS navigation
system, which uses the standard clocks of the USNO to regulate the GPS
master clock which in turn regulates ground station radio clocks which
regulate the GPS satellite slave radio clocks. Scientists can and do
use the GPS timing signals as time-standards for scientific experiments
because of the fact that the GPS timing signals are synched to the USNO
standard clocks.
Inertial clocks are realities. Inertial clocks (inertial ITICs, IITICs)
are deployed in the inertial navigation systems of US military
aircraft, ground vehicles, ships, and submarines, and in civilian
inertial navigation systems. US Military personnel refer to a military
inertial clock navigation system as "the INS"—the inertial navigation
If (P) a VTIC is used to measure time, then, b/c the VTIC's TI,
timerate, timepoints, timeline, and timecount will be varied,
distorted, by accelerations and/or decelerations, (Q) the VTIC can only
measure VTIC time (VTICT), which is the local time (LT) inre a single
reference frame/body. The VTIC is thus a local time clock (LTC), or a
distortable clock (d-clock).
If (P) an ITIC is used to measure time, then, because the ITIC's TI,
timerate, timepoints, timeline, and timecount will NOT be varied,
distorted, by accelerations and/or decelerations, but, instead will be
unvaried, undistorted, invariable, by being adjustable, (Q) the ITIC
can measure ITIC time (ITICT), which is the absolute time (AT) inre
multiple reference frames/bodies. The ITIC is thus an absolute time
clock (ATC), or a non-distortable clock (nd-clock) because it is an
adjustable clock (a-clock).
To determine the durations between multiple events, the durations of
single events, and the durations (ages) of people and objects inre a
single reference frame/body, identical VTICs, LTCs and d-clocks can be
used successfully by all observers who are in/on the reference
frame/body. VTICs, LTCs and d-clocks can effectively provide the TI,
timerate, timepoints, timeline, and timecount necessary for the
determination of the local sequence of events, the local simultaneities
of events, the local causalities of events, and the local rate changes
inre the people, objects, and events inre a single reference frame/body.
To determine the durations between multiple events, the durations of
single events, and the durations (ages) of people and objects inre
multiple reference frames/bodies, identical ITICs, ATCs, nd-clocks, and
a-clocks can be used successfully by all observers who are in/on the
reference frames/bodies. ITICs, ATCs, nd-clocks, and a-clocks can
effectively provide the TI, timerate, timepoints, timeline, and
timecount necessary for the determination of the absolute sequence of
events, the absolute simultaneities of events, the absolute causalities
of events, and the absolute rate changes inre the people, objects, and
events inre multiple reference frames/bodies.
When we return to the fact that the Earth has a specific AV inre the
Universe and d-clocks (VTICs, LTCs) returned to the Earth' surface
after accelerations and/or decelerations reassume their original
(initial) timerates, and therefore, there is a causal relationship inre
a d-clock's AV and its timerate, a fact confirmed by the 1971
Hafele-Keating cesium-atom clock experiment, we can use a d-clock's
timerate to determine if or not the d-clock's AV = 0.00c, which would
be the condition of being at absolute rest (AR).
If a spacecraft with an on-board d-clock is launched into space, and if
spacecraft and d-clock could be essentially free of gravitational force
field effects, then the d-clock's timerate is likely to be different
from its Earthbound timerate.
Where (P) there is a causal relationship inre the Earthbound d-clock's
timerate and the Earth's AV, then (Q) there ought to be a causal
relationship inre the spaceborne d-clock's timerate and its
spacecraft's AV.
That causal relationship inre a spaceborn d-clock's timerate and its
spacecraft's AV means (A) if (P) the spacecraft's AV is decreased by
decelerations, then (Q) the spaceborn d-clock's timerate should
increase and (B) if (P) the spacecraft's AV is increased by
accelerations, then (Q) the spaceborn d-clock's timerate should
If (P) the spacecraft should be decelerated into the condition of AV =
0.00c, and therefore the spacecraft is at AR, then (Q) the spaceborn
d-clock's timerate should be at its maximum possible timerate.
It is not possible to decelerate a spacecraft (or any other entity)
beyond AV = 0.00c and the condition of being at AR.
It is not possible for a d-clock's timerate to increase beyond the
maximum timerate it would assume at AV = 0.00c at the condition of
being at AR because it is not possible to decelerate a d-clock beyond
AV = 0.00c and the condition of being at AR.
We now have justification for claiming as a fact the existence of the
AV = 0.00c and the condition of being at AR.
Any and all entities which have (P) an AV = 0.00c also have RVs = 0.00c
inre each other which means (Q) the entities are all in the same
reference frame.
The condition of being at AV = 0.00c and at AR means a spacecraft,
spaceborn d-clock, or any other entity is in the absolute rest
reference frame (ARRF).
Any and all entities which have an AV = 0.00c and RVs = 0.00c and are
at AR are in the ARRF.
If (P) it is not possible to decelerate any entity beyond AV = 0.00c at
AR in the ARRF and a spacecraft and an onboard d-clock are at AV =
0.00c at AR in the ARRF, then (Q) any force applied to the spacecraft
can only cause an acceleration, never a deceleration, of the spacecraft.
There will be a causal relationship between a d-clock's AV and its
In theory, an experiment can be conducted in which a spacecraft and
d-clock are launched into space and are subjected to forces relevant to
the firings of short bursts of the spacecraft's thruster and/or retro
rocket motors which eventually cause decelerations to the spacecraft
until the d-clock's timerate is observed by Earthbound observers to be
at its maximum and therefore the spacecraft would be at AV = 0.00c at
AR in the ARRF. Additional rocket motor firings would cause
accelerations and observations of an increase in the spacecraft's AV
and a decrease in the d-clock's timerate. Should there be an increase
in the spacecraft's AV and a decrease in the d-clock's timerate, and
should observers choose to return to AV = 0.00c at AR in the ARRF, then
additional rocket motor firings in the opposite direction will cause
the spacecraft to return to the condition of AV = 0.00c at AR in the
ARRF as observed by the reassumption of the d-clock's maximum timerate.
If (P) onboard a spacecraft are both a d-clock and an nd-clock (ITIC,
ATC, a-clock), then (Q) onboard human observers could determine when
the spacecraft reached AV = 0.00c at AR in the ARRF.
Human observers are distortable observers (d-observers) whose
observation rates (perception rates) decrease as a result of
accelerations and increase as a result of decelerations.
The distortions of the observation rates of d-observers will, at least
in theory, occur at the same distortion-rate (d-rate) as the timerate
distortions of d-clocks.
If (P) the distortions of the observation rates of d-observers will, at
least in theory, occur at the same distortion-rate (d-rate) as the
timerate distortions of d-clocks, then (Q) the d-observers will observe
no change in, no distortions of, the timerates of d-clocks.
The distortions of the observation rates of d-observers will, at least
in theory, cause d-observers to observe changes in, distortions of, the
timerates of nd-clocks.
If (P) a spacecraft with d-observers, d-clocks, and nd-clocks is
accelerated, then (Q) the d-observers will observe no change in, no
distortion of, the timerate and timecount of the d-clocks while
simultaneously they will observe changes in, distortions of, the
timerates of the nd-clocks, which will result in increases in the
nd-clock's timerates and timecounts relative to the d-clocks' timerates
and timecounts; if (P) a spacecraft with d-observers, d-clocks, and
nd-clocks is decelerated, then (Q) the d-observers will observe no
change in, no distortion of, the timerate and timecount of the d-clocks
while simultaneously they will observe changes in, distortions of, the
timerates of the nd-clocks, which will result in decreases in the
nd-clock's timerates and timecounts relative to the d-clocks' timerates
and timecounts.
Therefore, by their observations of the timerates and timecounts inre
the d-clocks and nd-clocks onboard their accelerated/decelerated
spacecraft, d-observers can determine if or not their spacecraft has
achieved AV = 0.00c at AR in the ARRF.
There is a causal relationship inre the timerates of d-clocks and their
AVs. We would know what is the timerate of a d-clock at the Earth's
surface and therefore at the Earth's AV, and we could learn what is the
timerate of an identical d-clock at AV = 0.00c at AR in the ARRF, and
for different AVs we could, at least in theory, learn what are the
timerates of identical d-clocks at different AVs between AV = 0.00c and
the Earth's AV, so we could begin to develop a Cosmic Speedometer which
would have an initial range of AV = 0.00c to the Earth's AV.
We would know that, at least in theory, the maximum AV of any entity
comprised of m/e is 1.00c (the speed of light in a vacuum, i.e. in a
subvolume of space devoid of m/e)
At least in theory, at AV = 1.00c, a d-clock's timerate would be its
minimum, if not zero.
We can thereby expand the Cosmic Speedometer's range from AV = 0.00c at
maximum d-clock timerate to AV = 1.00c at d-clock minimum timerate.
We need not be capable of traveling up to or at AV = 1.00c, or even
close, to be able to use the Cosmic Speedometer to determine the AVs of
our spacecraft, because all we would need are the AVs from AV = 0.00c,
which we can achieve, to at least the Earth's AV, which we also know we
can achieve, to other AVs inre other reference bodies to which we can
accelerate ourselves.
With the Cosmic Speedometer now available, if you and I, as
d-observers, are traveling only in relationship to each other, in a
vacuum, a subvolume of space devoid of any other m/e, including stars,
planets, etc., which would be a coincidental/non-causal relationship,
we could use identical d-clocks and identical nd-clocks to determine
which of us is at AV = 0.00c and which is at an AV > 0.00c.
You would report to me your observation of your nd-clock's timerate and
I would report to you my observation of my nd-clock's timerate. We
would then consult a Cosmic Speedometer Table which lists the known AVs
and timerates. We both would agree what is your AV from your timerate
and what is my AV from my timerate.
Because I am a d-observer, you do not need me to try to observe the
timerates of your d-clocks or nd-clocks because my observations will be
different from yours, and because you are also a d-observer, I do not
need you to try to observe the timerates of my d-clocks and nd-clocks
because your observations will be different from mine.
By this process we eliminate relativistic time-dilation confusions inre
our two reference frames/bodies (spacecraft) and we deal with pure
local time, you inre yours inre your spacecraft, me inre mine inre my
spacecraft, and we deal with pure absolute time, AT, the ITICT, ATC
time, nd-clock time inherent in, and therefore common to, our identical
ITICs, ATCs, nd-clocks, a-clocks.