The Duck Theory Applied To Democrats
Bob Kroepel
Copyright © 2014
Lakeside Studios
20 South Shore Road
New Durham, NH USA 03855
The Duck Theory
The Duck
Theory: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and acts
like a duck, then it's a duck!
People are what they do more so than what they say.
When a person says X but does Y, then we can be justified in concluding
that he/she is really Y instead of X.
This confusion becomes critical inre evaluating and judging
politicians. What they say is not always consistent with what they do.
ForEx: Implied in the US Const 2nd Amendt is the right of Patriotic and
law-abiding Americans to own and use personal firearms to DEFEND
themselves and others from what they perceive and conclude to be the
unpatriotic or/and unconstitutional activities of all enemies foreign
and domestic including (1) out-of-control (OOC) the US President, US
Congresspeople, US Supreme Court Justices, US Govt employees, and US
Military personnel, (2) US State Governors, State Legislators, State
Supreme Court Justices, State Govt officials and employees, and State,
County and Community Police Officers, (3) foreign officials and troops,
(4) members of crime syndicates and gangs, and (5) common criminals.
The Essence of the Law
The essence of the law is that no man should injure another; all the
rest is commentary. [Attributed to Thomas Jefferson, US Framer/Founder,
Author of the US Declaration of Independence, and Third US President,
in a book not bought whose title and author were not recorded.]
Injury = Threatening
to cause or actually causing to a innocent
individual without just cause of defense a loss of life, limb, liberty,
family, property, business, hobby, or honor.
Innocent = Not
intending to injure another individual without just cause of defense.
Just Cause = Defense
of self or/and others against all enemies foreign and domestic.
The Essence of the Law Revised
The essence of the law is that no individual without just cause of
DEFENSE of self or/and other individuals should be allowed to threaten
to cause or to actually cause to an innocent individual a loss of life,
limb, liberty, family, property, business, hobby, or honor; all the
rest of the law is commentary.
The Individuals Involved in Criminal
In any criminal activity there are two actual and two potential
1. The Criminal who intends to injure a Victim;
NOTE: Injury is defined as threatening to cause or actually causing
without just cause to a victim a loss of life, limb, liberty, family,
property, business, hobby, or honor.
2. The Victim whose life, limb, liberty, family, property, business,
hobby, or honor is or are threatened by a Criminal.
3. The Rescuer who has the tools, including a gun, and the skills and
is ready, willing and able to DEFEND a Victim from an intended or an
actual attack by a Criminal.
4. The Eyewitness who observes a Criminal intending to attack or
actually attacking a Victim but who either does not have the tools
including not having a gun nor the skills or otherwise is not ready,
willing and able to prevent the intended attack or to stop the actual
attack; the Eyewitness may intend to rescue a victim from a Criminal’s
attack by calling authorities for help.
Problem: Inre a Criminal’s
attack on a Victim, when seconds count, the police are minutes away.
In the USA, Democrats say they no longer support gun/people control,
but when given a chance to legislate policies and laws that control
'guns' but actually control people, namely, to prevent law-abiding
Patriotic Americans from buying, owning, carrying and using personal
firearms for DEFENSE against all enemies foreign and domestic including
(1) out-of-control (OOC) the US President, US Congresspeople, US
Supreme Court Justices, US Govt employees, and US Military personnel,
(2) US State Governors, State Legislators, State Supreme Court
Justices, State Govt officials and employees, and State, County and
Community Police Officers, (3) foreign officials and troops, (4)
members of crime syndicates and gangs, and (5) common criminals,
Democrats prove they are unpatriotic Americans because they oppose the
US Const in general and the US Const 2nd Amendt in particular.
When Patriotic Americans cannot defend themselves by the DEFENSIVE use
of firearms/guns, then those who support anti-DEFENSE Gun policies and
laws will have proven themselves to be enemies foreign or domestic.
This includes Democrats.
Thus, inre politicians, they are what they do more so than what they
say, and, therefore, the Duck Theory applies to politicians including