Operational Physics is based upon these fundamental observations and
assumptions which
serve as premises:
Universe = Space + Time + M/E (Matter/Energy)
1. Observation:
Time is the use of time-intervals to measure the occurrences of events
in sequences of events.
2. Observation:
Invariable time-intervals create Absolute Time and invariable
space-intervals create Absolute Space.
3. Observation:
The matter/energy (m/e) of the universe is an isolated and therefore
closed m/e system b/c there is only one universal m/e system (UME) and
the UME cannot exchange m/e with any other m/e system because there is
no other m/e system.
4. A finite quantity of matter/energy cannot be dispersed into an
5. Space is (A) the one-and-only volume of infinite size which is the
infinite-volume or i-volume, (B) which has no surface, (C) which has no
shape, (D) which is a pure vacuum except for those areas in which
is present, and (E) which surrounds any and all volumes of finite size.
Contrast with Einstein's space which is finite. i.e. a finite-volume or
f-volume, which is an illogical concept because of the observable fact
that for evervy observed or intuited f-volume there is space, e.g. the
i-volume, which is outside, or beyond, or in addition to the f-volume
and which is not accounted for in special or general relativity.
6. A force field is a form of matter/energy. (Gravitational and
fields are force fields and therefore are forms of matter/energy.)
7. Infinity is not a number; it is a condition of not being
nor physically limited.