Common Sense and Critical Thinking
Robert Howrd Kroepel
Copyright © 2005
Lakeside Studios
20 South Shore Road
New Durham, New Hamposhire USA 03855-2107
Common Sense and Critical Thinking
Basic Philosophy
True Concept
False Concept
True Principle
False Principle
Practical Technique
Impractical Technique
Basic Psychology
Observations Confirming Desires
Observations Confirming Fears
The Interrelationship
of Desires and Fears
Observations Confirming
Types of Desires/Fears/Priorities:
Physiological v Psychological
Psychological/Learned Desires/Fears/Priorities
Types of Desires/Fears/Priorities:
Proactive v Reactive
Proactive Desires
Reactive Desires
The Components of Reactive
Emotional Reactions
Impulsive Reactions
Types of Reactive Desires
The Subjective Reactive Desire
The Objective Reactive Desire
The Developmental Sequence
of Feelings
Types of Feelings:
Sensations v Emotions
Types of Emotions: Happiness
v Unhappiness
Types of Unhappiness:
Sadness v Anger v Fear
Mental Disorders/Problems
Unrealistic and Inappropriate Proactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Unrealistic and Inappropriate Reactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Mental Health/Solutions
Realistic and Appropriate Proactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Realistic and Appropriate Reactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Philosophy = Set of Concepts/Principles/Techniques
Philosophy = Process of Developing a Set of Concepts/Principles/Techniques
Philosophy = Discipline for the Development of Guidelines
Common Sense and Critical Thinking
Common Sense
Operational Definition
of Common Sense
Critical Thinking
Operational Definition
of Critical Thinking
The Scientific Method
Physical Evidence
Eyewitness Reports
Logical Arguments
What is common sense?
What is critical thinking?
Basic Philosophy
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Reality is comprised of people, organisms,
objects, and events comprised of matter/energy.
= Unities which retain their identities for longer periods of time than relevant
Examples of People/Organisms/Objects: Jane, a ball, Dick.
Event = Relationship, esp. causal or coincidental,
between/among people/organisms/objects.
Example of an Event: Jane throws the ball to Dick.
Concept = Mental representation/idea of a
Examples of Concepts: Concept: Jane; Concept A ball; Concept: Dick.
True Concept = Accurate mental representation/idea
of a person/organism/object.
False Concept = Inaccurate mental representation/idea
of a person/organism/object.
Principle = Mental representation/idea
of an/event.
Example of a Principle: Event: Jane is the cause of the ball being thrown
to Dick.
True Principle = Accurate mental representations/idea
of an event.
False Principle = Inaccurate mental
representation/idea of an event.
Technique = Application of a concept or/and
principle to solve a problem.
Problem = Learning how to achieve desires
and avoid fears and thereby experience happiness and avoid experiencing
unhappiness. [See Basic Psychology]
Example of a Technique: To solve the problem of getting the ball to
Dick without Spot catching it and playing with it jane can use the technique
of throwing the ball to Dick and not use the technique of asking Spot to
carry the ball to Dick.
Practical Technique = Effective
techqnique—a technique which solves a problem.
Impractical Technique = Ineffective
technique—a techique which does not solve a problem.
Knowledge = A set of true concepts and
principles and practical techniques.
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Basic Psychology
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People have minds inside of bodies.
Mind = A person’s set of desires, fears and
Desire = Wanting a person/organism/object/event.
Observations Confirming
Desires: People/organisms approach desired people/organisms/objects/events.
Example of an Observation of a Desire: Jane has a desire for the event
of getting a ball to Dick; she employs the technique of throwing the ball
to Dick instead of the technique of asking her dog, Spot, to carry the ball
to Dick.
Fear = Not-Wanting a person/organism/object/event.
Example of an Observation of a Fear: Jane has a fear of the event of
trying to get a ball to Dick by giving it to her dog, Spot, but Spot runs
away with the ball and plays with it.
Observations Confirming
Fears: People/organisms avoid feared people/organisms/objects/events.
The Interrelationship
of Desires and Fears
Desires and fears are interrelated by being opposites.
Example of an Interrelated Desire and Fear: The desire to live is interrelated
with the fear of dying by being the opposite of the fear of dying.
Priorities = Desires for the achievement
of certain desires/fears of not avoiding certain desires; the importance
of each desire/fear compared to all other desires/fears.
Observations Confirming
Priorities: People/organisms desire the achievement of certain desires
more than other desires; people/organisms fear the non-avoidance of certain
fears more than other fears.
Example of an Observation of a Priority: When Dick is around, Jane desires
to play with Dick more than she desires to play with Spot because she plays
more with Dick than she plays with Spot.
Types of Desires/Fears/Priorities:
Physiological v Psychological
Desires/fears/priorities can be (1) physiological or (2) psychological.
Physiological Desires/Fears/Priorities
Physiological desires/fears/priorities are unlearned, inherent in
the body, genetic in origin, and include desires/fears/priorities inre survival,
getting food, water, and shelter, companionship, sex, reproduction, etc.
Physiological Desires/Fears/Priorities = Unlearned Desires/Fears/Priorities.
Psychological Desires/Fears/Priorities
Psychological desires/fears/priorities are learned in the individual's
experiences with realizing his physiological desires/fears/priorities with
people/organisms/objects/events in his environment.
Psychological Desires/Fears/Priorities = Learned Desires/Fears/Priorities.
Specific Psychological Desire/Fear/Priority:
Generic Psychological Desire/Fear/Priority:
Enviromental Choices:
Physiological Desire/Fear/Priority:
Ingest a liquid
Types of Desires/Fears/Priorities:
Proactive v Reactive
Desires can be proactive or reactive.
Proactive Desires
Proactive Desires = Desires for Action to Achieve Desired Persons/Organisms/Objects/Events.
Proactive = For Action
Reactive Desires
Reactive Desires = Desires for Reactions to Realizations of Proactive Desires.
The Components of Reactive
There are two components of reactive desires: (1) Emotional Reactions and
(2) Impulsive Reactions.
Emotional Reactions
Emotional reactions include Happiness and Unhappiness as Sadness, Anger,
and/or Fear.
[See Feelings for more information inre emotions and emotional
Impulsive Reactions
Impulsive reactions include desires for action; these desires are linked
to emotional reactions:
Emotional Reaction: The feeling/emotion of happiness.
Impulsive Reaction: To celebrate!
Unhappiness (consists of sadness, anger, or/and fear):
Emotional Reaction: The feeling/emotion of sadness.
Impulsive Reaction: To give up hope; become depressed; not take action to
achieve a desire or avoid a fear.
Emotional Reaction: The feeling/emotion of happiness.
Impulsive Reaction: To attack someone—oneself/someone else (the violator
or a substitute); to attack something (the violator or a substitute).
Emotional Reaction: The feeling/emotion of fear.
Impulsive Reaction: To run away from someone—oneself/someone else (the feared
person or a substitute); to run away from something (the feared organism/object
or a substitute)
Types of Reactive Desires
There are two reactive desires: (1) the subjective reactive desire; (2)
the objective reactive desire.
The Subjective Reactive
The Subjective Reactive Desire is comprised of
Emotional Reaction: Unhappiness—Sadness/Anger/Fear
Impulsive Reaction:
Sadness: Give up hope; become depressed; do not take action
to acheive a desire/avoid a fear.
Anger: Attack someone or something (the violator or a substitute).
Fear: Run away from someone/something (the feared person/organism/object/events
or a substitute).
The Objective Reactive Desire
The Objective Reactive Desire is comprised of
Emotional Reaction: Neutralize the feelings of unhappiness—sadness/anger/fear.
Impulsive Reaction:
Become hopeful: Seek to achieve realistic/achievable proactive
desires/to avoid avoidable proactive fears.
Do not attack anyone/anything (exceptions: when attacked by animals, criminals
or foreign soldiers).
Do not run away from anyone/anything (except when threatened by animals,
criminals or foriegn soldiers).
Feelings = Reactions to Realizations of Desires/Fears.
Feeling = Reaction to a Realization of a Desire/Fear.
Realization = Achievement of a Desire/Avoidance of Fear
Positive Realization = Achievement of a Desire/Avoidance of a Fear.
Negative Realization = Non-Achievement of a Desire/Non-Avoidance
of a Fear.
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The Developmental
Sequence of Feelings
Feelings develop in a sequence—The Developmental Sequence of Feelings:
1. Desire/Fear: _____ (?) [Wanting/Not-Wanting a Person/organism/Object/Event]
2. Realization: _____ (?) [The Achievement of the Desire/Avoidance
of the Fear]
3. Feeling: _____ (?) [The Reaction to the Realization of the
Types of Feelings:
Sensations v Emotions
Feelings = (1) Sensations v (2) Emotions.
Sensations = Physical feelings as reactions to realizations of physiological/unlearned
Emotions = Mental feelings as reactions to realizations of psychological/learned
Types of Emotions: Happiness
v Unhappiness
Emotions = (1) Happiness v (2) Unhappiness
Happiness = Reaction to the Positive Realization which is an Achievement
of a Desire/Avoidance of a Fear.
Unhappiness = Reaction to the Negative Realization which is a Non-Achievement
of a Desire/Non-Avoidance of a Fear.
Types of Unhappiness:
Sadness v Anger v Fear
Sadness = Reaction to an actual loss of a person/organism/object/event,
a accident, injury, illness, or verbal or physical attack;
Anger = Reaction to a violation of an expectation or a promise/contract/law
or an ethic/moral principle.
Fear = Reaction to a threat of a loss of a person/organism/object/event,
an accident, injury or illness, or a verbal or physical attack.
Mental Disorder/Problem
Mental Problem/Disorder = Unrealistic or/and Inappropriate
Proactive/Reactive Desire/Fear/Priority.
and Inappropriate Proactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Unrealistic Proactive Desires = Desires for action to achieve desired persons/organisms/objects/events
who/which cannot be achieved.
Unrealistic Proactive Fears = Fears of threats from persons/organisms/objects/events
who/which are not threatening a loss of life/limb/oiberty/property, an accident,
injury, illness, or a verbal or physical attack.
Unrealistic Proactive Priorities = Priorities for action to achieve desires
which are not as important as other desires.
Inappropriate Proactive Desire = Desire whose realization achieves a limited
number of other desires.
Inapprioriate Proactive Fear = Fear whose realization achieves a limited
number of other fears.
Inappropriate Proactive Priority = Priority which as not as important as
other priorities.
and Inappropriate Reactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Unrealistic Reactive Desire = Subjective Reactive Desire
Unrealistic Reactive Fear = Subjective Reactive Fear
Unrealistic Reactive Priority = Desire for a subjective reactive desire
Inappropriate Reactive Desire = Subjective Reactive Desire when the individual
is not suffering an actual loss, attack, or threat.
Inappropriate Reactive Fear = Subjective Reactive Desire when the achievement
of the fear is of little practical consequences.
Inappropriate Reactive Priority =
Mental Health/Solution
Mental Health/Solution = Realistic and Appropriate Desire/Fear/Priority.
Realistic and Appropriate
Proactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Realistic Proactive Desires = Desires for action to achieve desired persons/organisms/objects/events
who/which can be achieved.
Realistic Proactive Fears = Fears of threats from persons/organisms/objects/events
who/which are threatening a loss of life/limb/oiberty/property, an accident,
injury, illness, or a verbal or physical attack.
Realistic Proactive Priorities = Priorities for action to achieve desires
which are more important than other desires.
Appropriate Proactive Desire = Desire whose realization achieves a considerable
number of other desires.
Apprioriate Proactive Fear = Fear whose realization achieves a considerable
number of other fears.
Appropriate Proactive Priority = Priority which is more important than other
Realistic and Appropriate
Reactive Desires/Fears/Priorities
Realistic Reactive Desire = Objective Reactive Desire
Realistic Reactive Fear = Subjective Reactive Fear
Realistic Reactive Priority = Desire for an objective reactive desire
Appropriate Reactive Desire = Objective Reactive Desire when the individual
is not suffering an actual loss, attack, or threat.
Appropriate Reactive Fear = Objective Reactive Desire when the achievement
of the fear is a little practical consequences.
Appropriate Reactive Priority =
If philosophy is (A) the process by which individuals develop concepts
[mental representations/ideas of people/organisms/objects—unities which
retain their identities longer than relevant events], principles [relationships,
esp. causal/coincidental relationships, between/among people/organisms/objects],
and techniques [applications of concepts and principles to solve problems],
(B) an individual's or organization's set of concepts/principles/techniques,
or (C) the discipline or study inre guidelines for developing concepts/principles/techniques,
then we are all philosophers because we all develop concepts and principles
and techniques for solving problems and achieving happiness and avoiding
We achieve common sense when we develop concepts and principles which
appear to be accurate and techniques which are effective and therefore
practical in solving problems and achieving happiness/avoiding unhappiness.
Operational Definition
of Common Sense: Common sense is a set of concepts, principles, and
techniques a person develops or a group of people develop for solving problems/achieving
desires/avoiding fears/experiencing happiness/not experiencing unhappiness.
Operational Definition
of Critical Thinking: Critical thinking occurs when people verify claims
of facts by proof consisting of (1) physical evidence consisting of (A)
causal explanations consisting of descriptions of people/organisms/objects
who/which are comprised of matter/energy and who/which are causes cause
the effects of changes of other people/organisms/objects or (B) coincidental
descriptions of people/organisms/objects/events who/which are present when
other people/organisms/objects/events are observed, (2) eyewitness reports
of physical evidence from credible eyewitnesses [people not known to lie
or deceive or to think irrationally] and which are corroborated by credible
corroborators, or (3) logical arguments in which the premises are verifiable/falsifiable/verified
by physical evidence and relevant to the conclusions which are avoid if
relevant to the premises and true of the premises are verified/true.
Critical thinking occurs when an individual asks Is this claim true? and
demands proof for verification of the claim.
Uncritical thinking occurs when an individuals does not ask Is this claim
true? and does not demand proof for verification of the claim.
Common sense is an individual’s or organization's philosophy which consists
of concepts/principles/techniques which achieve desires/avoid fears/solve
problems and enable individuals to experience happiness and to avoid experiencing
The concepts/principles/techniques of common sense must be continuously
improved/updated by verification by physical evidence to remove/replace
concepts/principles/techniques which are either unreliable or otherwise
are less reliable for achieving desires/avoiding fears/solving problems/experiencing
happiness/not experiencing unhappiness than the new/improved concepts/principles/techniques.