1. Governor’s salary = $91,000.00 per year plus benefits plus a
State car plus a State driver, usually a State Trooper!!!
$91,000.00/yr. is a small fortune to me, so, for sure—for sure—for sure I would be giving the Governor’s duties serious attention!
I have a cousin, Bruce Twyon, who is a Detective with the State Troopers, who is a good guy and fun to be with, and who just might be interested in driving the Governor’s State car, so, ...!?!
2. The possibility of organizing either one gigantic choral singing group or several smaller groups consisting of State Legislators.
Smaller partisan groups might be necessary if one gigantic bipartisan group is unworkable.
The choral group would seek ‘gigs’ appearing in charity fundraisers.
3. The possibility of organizing musical bands consisting of State Legislators and/or State employees.
4. The possibility of organizing (and perhaps appearing in) Talent Shows in area High Schools, Theatres and Opera Houses which could be charity fundraisers featuring Local Talented Individuals as well as talented State Legislators and Personnel.
(You never know where you will find genuine talent!)
5. The possibility of organizing Craft Shows featuring crafts made by State Legislators and Personnel.
6. The possibility of offering “I’m Coming Home To You, New Hampshire” to be a State Song, an anthem for the People of New Hampshire.
I’m Coming Home To You, New Hampshire
Robert Howard Kroepel
Copyright © 2000
Chorus: I’m coming home to you, New Hampshire.
I’m coming home, where the air is clear.
I’m coming home to see your face once more.
Please open wide your welcome door.
Verse 1: In the spring I love your lilacs,
In the summer, your sea and lakes,
In the fall, the autumn wonder,
And the snow that winter makes.
Chorus: I’m coming home to you, New Hampshire.
I’m coming home, where the air is clear.
I’m coming home to see your face once more.
Please open wide your welcome door.
Verse 2: Most of all I love your people.
I love their smiles and the way they care.
I want to see my friends and fam’ly,
And find the love I need to share.
Chorus: I’m coming home to you, New Hampshire.
I’m coming home, where the air is clear.
I’m coming home to see your face once more.
Please open wide your welcome door.