Basic Psychology
The Operational Definitions of the Terms and Phrases
of Operational Psychology
Robert Howard Kroepel
Copyright © 2005
Lakeside Studios
20 South Shore Road
New Durham, New Hampshire USA 03855-2107
Basic Psychology
I. Mind = An individual’s collection/system/set of desires, fears and priorities.
Desire = Wanting a person/object/event.
Example: Sam = Desire for a woman.
Physical Evidence of a Desire = Individual approaches a desirable person/object/event.
Example: Sam approaches Suzy.
Fear = Not-wanting a person/object/event.
Physical Evidence of a Fear = Individual avoids a feared person/object/event.
Example: Sam avoids Sally.
Desires and fears are interrelated by being opposites.
Example: The opposite of the desire to live is the fear of dying.
Example: Sam’s desire for a woman is the opposite of his fear of not finding
a woman.
Priority =The importance of each desire/fear compared to all other desires
and fears.
Example: For Sam, the priority for finding a woman is higher than the priority
for flying his airplane.
Problem = Learning/Deciding how to achieve a desire and/or avoid a fear.
Example: Sam: Problem = Learning/deciding how to achieve a woman.
Solution = Knowing how to achieve a desire and/or avoid a fear.
Example: Sam: Solution = Knowing how to achieve a woman/avoid not achieving
a woman.
Mind = Desires/Fears/Priorities = Cause of Behavior, Personality, Mental
Problems, and Mental Solutions.
Behavior = Individual’s actions and reactions caused by his desires/fears/priorities
(by his mind).
Personality = Consistent behavior in similar circumstances or situations.
Mental Problem = Unrealistic Desire (or Fear) = Unachievable/Inappropriate
Unrealistic = Unachievable and/or inappropriate.
Achievable = Can be gotten.
Unachievable = Cannot be gotten.
Example: Sam = Desires a woman.
Suzy = Desires Sam.
Sophia = Does not desire Sam.
For Sam, Suzy is achievable but Sophia is unachievable.
Appropriate = Achieves many if not most if not all relevant dedsires.
Inappropriate = May achieve some desire(s) but not another (other) relevant
Example: Sam = Desires for a woman, (A) who is achievable--who desires Sam;
(B) for a good-looking woman; (C) for a woman who is loyal.
Suzy = (A) desires Sam; (B) good-looking; (C) loyal.
Shirley = (A) desires Sam; (B) good-looking; (C) not loyal.
For Sam, Suzy is thus appropriate because she achieves Sam’s A/B/C desires;
Shirley is inappropriate because she achieves Sam’s A/B desires but she does
not achieve his C desire.
Mental Solution = Realistic Desire = Achievable/Appropriate Desire.
II. Feelings = Reactions to Realizations of Desires.
Realization = Achievement/Non-Achievement of a Desire or Avoidance/Non-Avoidance
of a Fear.
Positive Realization = Achievement of a Desire/Avoidance of a Fear.
Negative Realization = Non-Achievement of a Desire/Non-Avoidance of a Fear.
Feelings = Sensations or Emotions.
Sensations = Reactions to Realizations of Physiological/Unlearned Desires
and Fears.
Physiological Desire/Fear = Unlearned, inherent in genetics,. in the body;
include desires for survival, food, water, shelter, companionship, sex, reproduction,
protection of children, etc.
Emotions = Reactions to Realizations of Psychological/Learned Desires and
Psychological Desire/Fear = Learned Desire/Fear, not inherent in genetics,
not in the body.
Hierarchy of Desires
3. Specific Psychological/Learned Desire: Suzy.
2. General/Generic Psychological/Learned Desire: Women.
Animals (Dogs/Cats/)
Men (Charley/Larry)
Women (Suzy/Shirley).
1. Physiological Desires: For Companionship.
Example: Sam has a Desire for Companionship.
Problem: Learning how to achieve Companionship.
Sam’s Choices for Companionship:
Animals = Dogs/Cats.
Men = Charley/Larry.
Women = Suzy/Shirley.
Sam experiments with animals/men/women and decides he likes the companionship
of women.
Sam develops a general/generic psychological/learned desire for women as
a solution to the problem of achieving companionship.
Solution = Women = General/Generic Psychological/Learned Desire.
Sam experiments with Suzy and Shirley and decides he likes Suzy more than
he likes Shirley.
Sam thus develops a specific psychological/learned desire for Suzy.
Solution = Suzy = Specific Psychological/Learned Desire.
III. Feelings Develop in a Sequence of (1) Desire->(2) Realization->(3)
Feeling (The D/R/F Sequence):
1. Desire: _____ (?) [Wanting a person/object/event]
2. Realization: _____ (?) [Person/object/event achieved/not achieved]
3. Feeling: _____ (?) [Reaction to the Realization of the Desire]
Emotions = Happiness v. Unhappiness as Sadness, Anger, and/or Fear.
Emotion = (A) Perception, (B) Emotional Reaction and (C) Impulsive Reaction
Emotion: Happiness = General Reaction to the Achievement of a Desire/Avoidance
of a Fear:
(A) Perception: The Achievement of a Desire/Avoidance of a Fear.
(B) Emotional Reaction: Happiness.
(C) Impulsive Reaction: To celebrate!
Emotion: Unhappiness = General Reaction to the Non-Achievement of a Desire/Non-Avoidance
of a Fear including Specific Reaction(s) of Sadness, Anger or Fear:
Emotion: Sadness:
(A) Perception: An actual loss of life/limb/liberty/property, accident, injury,
illness, genetic defect, verbal and/or physical attack.
(B) Emotional Reaction: Sadness
(C) Impulsive Reaction: Give up hope of achieving Desire/avoiding Fear; become
Emotion: Anger:
(A) Perception: A violation of an expectancy, promise, contract, law, or
ethic; also, an actual or threatened loss of life/limb/liberty/property.
(B) Emotional Reaction: Anger.
(C) Impulsive Reaction: Attack oneself or someone or something else.
Emotion: Fear:
(A) Perception: A threat of a loss of life/limb/liberty/property, accident,
injury, illness, genetic defect, or a verbal/physical attack.
(B) Emotional Reaction: Fear.
(C) Impulsive Reaction: Run away from oneself or someone or something else.