Facts and Conclusions Inre The Universe and Gods [Complete]


[1] Facts and Conclusions Inre The Universe and Gods


Bob Kroepel

Copyright © 2019

Lakeside Studios

New Durham NH USA


Part One


NOTE: Finite v Infinite


Finite = Having spatial, temporal, physical, and/or mathematical limitations or boundaries.

Infinite = Having no spatial, temporal, physical, or mathematical limitations or boundaries.


The Extrapolation Principle: Any observation or measurement conducted at one scalar level (macro or micro) or inre one reference frame or reference body can be assumed to occur at all scalar levels and inre all reference frames and reference bodies until disconfirming (falsifying) observations/measurements are conducted/discovered.


FACT: The universe is comprised of space, time and matter-energy.


FACT: Space is the single infinite volume, the volume whose radii (rays) have startpoints but no endpoints.


PROOF: The Extrapolation Principle: Observations/measurements of finite volumes reveal their observable/measurable radii have observable/measurable lengths that begin with startpoints (chosen origins, originpoints) within their volumes and endpoints (stoppoints, terminationpoints) at their boundaries that are surfacepoints (points that define a volumeÕs surface) or/and shapepoints (points that define a volumeÕs shape); The concept of the finite radius as having both a startpoint and an endpoint can be extrapolated to a radius (a ray) that has a startpoint within a volume but no endpoints. Observations/measurements of the single volume of radii (rays) of infinite length using a finite length as a chosen distance for spatial measurement would reveal that the observation/measurement of the entire length of an infinite radius – a radius of infinite length, a radius having a startpoint but no endpoint – could never happen because the observation/measurement process would never end.


Conclusion: The infinite volume that is space – the single volume whose radii (rays) have startpoints but no endpoints – eliminates any possibility of the existence of another space beyond or outside or in addition to the one-and-only space inre OUR universe.


Conclusion: THAT eliminates any possibility of another universe beyond or outside or in addition to OUR one-and-only universe.


Conclusion: THAT also eliminates any possibility for anything including gods to exist beyond or outside or in addition to the one-and-only universe.


FACT: Time is the use of a chosen duration (cycle, recurring motion) to measure other durations.


PROOF: Mankind use chosen durations to measure other durations.


FACT: Matter-energy is the sum total of the elementary and subatomic particles, atoms and molecules that comprise all people, objects and events – and gods, if they exist – who/which exist in space and endure over time and who/which as causes cause as effects (A) changes of the physical states of pre-existing people, objects and/or events or (B) new people, objects and/or events from pre-existing matter-energy.


FACT: Matter-energy has been observed/measured and thereby proven by mankind to be indestructible [1] – nothing can create nor destroy matter-energy; matter-energy can be transformed (e = mc2) but never created nor destroyed.


[1] Antoine and Marie Lavoisier inre chemistry circa 1777; Sadi Carnot inre thermodynamics circa 1824: 1LoT = First Law of Thermodynamics: Matter-energy can neither be created nor destroyed; Albert Einstein inre e = mc2 and m = e/c2: Matter-energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can be transformed – m into e and e into m; The sum total of matter-energy is therefore a constant.


FACT: The infinite volume of space eliminates any possibility of the existence of any form of matter-energy nor any person, object or event comprised of matter-energy beyond or outside or in addition to the universe.


Conclusion: THAT means the universal matter-energy system (UMES) is a closed/isolated matter-energy system.


Conclusion: THAT means the UMES has always existed, exists now, and will always exist.


Conclusion: THAT the source of causality – causes causing effects – is the UMES – the uncaused source of causality.


[2] Facts and Conclusions Inre The Universe and Gods


Bob Kroepel

Copyright © 2019

Lakeside Studios

New Durham NH USA


Part Two


FACT: Mankind has never observed/measured anything creating/causing itself [2].


[2] The supposed Big Bang did not cause the universe to exist ex nihilo (out of nothing) but, if a reality, the Big Bang was a reorganization of pre-existing matter-energy.


Conclusion: THAT means the universe was never created nor caused nor begun by gods or anything else.


Conclusion: THAT means the universe has always existed, has never not existed, exists now, and will exist in the future.


Conclusion: THAT means the creator-causer-gods of the Bible/Koran never existed, do not exist now, and will never exist.


If P, Then Q Logical Arguments Inre Lesser Gods


P = Condition(s)/Cause(s).

Q = Conclusion.


Premise #1: If P, Then Q.

Premise#2: P.

Conclusion: Q.


If (P) a god is operationally defined to be a being (1) who/which has greater knowledge than mankind of causality – causes causing effects and (2) who/which has greater capabilities than mankind for using that knowledge, then (Q) a god is a potential reality.


If (P) space as the single infinite volume eliminates any possibility of the existence of anything beyond or outside or in addition to itself, then (Q) gods, if they exist, must exist within space and thereby exist within the universe.


FACT: Accelerations and decelerations cause the timerates and timecounts of clocks to vary inversely. Accelerations cause clocksÕ timerates and timecounts to decrease; decelerations cause clocksÕ timerates and timecounts to increase.


FACT: There are two types of clocks: (1) Distortable clocks whose timerates and timecounts are inversely caused to change by accelerations/decelerations; (2) Non-distortable/Adjustable clocks whose timerates and timecounts are adjusted to compensate for the temporal distortion effects caused by accelerations/decelerations.


If (P) time is the use of a chosen duration for the measurement of other durations, and non-distortable/adjustable clocks are used for temporal measurement, then (Q) and there is one type of time – universal time, absolute time, the time measured by non-distortable/adjustable clocks, clocks whose timerates and timecounts are adjusted to compensate for known effects/temporal distortions caused by accelerations and decelerations, the time that is the same everywhere in the universe.


If (P) gods exist, then (Q) they must exist within space and endure over time.


[3] Facts and Conclusions Inre The Universe and Gods


Bob Kroepel

Copyright © 2019

Lakeside Studios

New Durham NH USA


Part Three


FACT: Any thing that is neither space nor time is a person or an object or a god, if gods exist.


Conclusion: People and objects who/which exist – are real – must exist in space, endure over time and be comprised of matter-energy.


If (P) a god exists, as a being of greater knowledge than mankind inre causality and of greater capabilities than mankind for using that knowledge of causality to cause effects mankind currently cannot cause, then (Q) that god must exist within space, endure over time, and be comprised of matter-energy.


FACT: Any thing – a person, an object or a god – who/which exists within space, endures over time and is comprised of matter-energy is subject to, limited by, bounded by, natural causal relationships (NCRs) that permit but also limit the effects a person/object/god could cause.


If (P) mankind never had, does not now have, and will never have the knowledge and capabilities of gods inre not being able to cause effects gods can cause, then (Q) there always has been, is now, and will always be a difference inre gods and mankind wherein gods will always be superior to mankind inre knowledge and capabilities and mankind will always inferior to gods inre knowledge and capabilities.


If (P) gods have a form of matter-energy that cannot currently be perceived/observed/measured directly by mankind, then (Q) it may be true that gods could make themselves perceivable/observable/measurable to mankind and thereby reveal themselves to mankind.


But (P) until mankind directly observe gods or until gods reveal themselves to mankind, then (Q) mankind is obligated to make decisions inre achieving physiological (unlearned) desires for survival, food, water, shelter, companionship, sex, and reproduction as if gods do not exist for the purpose of focusing inre achieving physiological desires and avoiding conflicts inre whose conceptualization of gods is correct.


[4] Facts and Conclusions Inre The Universe and Gods


Bob Kroepel

Copyright © 2019

Lakeside Studios

New Durham NH USA


Part Four


If (P) theism is (A) a belief in the existence of gods, or (B) a belief in the existence of physical evidence that is conclusive proof of the existence of gods, then (Q) theists have the responsibility for providing non-physical/logical justification and/or the physical evidence that is conclusive proof of the existence of gods.


If (P) atheism is (A) a non-belief (no belief) in the existence of gods, (B) a belief in the non-existence of gods, or (C) a belief in the existence of physical evidence that is conclusive proof of the non-existence of gods, then (Q) theists have the responsibility for providing non-physical/logical justification for the non-belief in the existence of gods and/or the physical evidence that is conclusive proof of the non-existence of gods.


If (P) agnosticism is the philosophical policy of requiring logical proof or physical evidence to verify and thereby prove true or to falsify and thereby prove false any claim of reality, and if (P) agnostics for logical or/and physical reasons (observations/measurements inre conceptualizations of reality) reject the logical or/and physical claims of theists and atheists, then (Q) agnosticism is the only logical philosophical policy to hold inre gods and government officials must be agnostics inre making decisions inre creating governments and and laws and enforcing those laws.


FACT: Mankind now has a conceptualization of reality that includes a conceptualization of the universe – of the space, time and matter-energy that comprise the universe – and a conceptualization of what is a god – a being who/which has a greater knowledge than mankind of causality, a greater capability than mankind for using that knowledge of causality to cause effects mankind cannot currently cause, and who/which must exist in space, endure over time and be comprised of matter-energy.


CHALLENGE: Use mankindÕs perceptual senses and common sense to perceive gods – finally!