The Kroepel and Janice Photo Album

Janice and Her Great Friend—Her Mother, Phyllis Draper

Chow time!!!

Meg (Margaret Winifred Bailey—Former Mrs. K) and One-And-Only Daughter, Christine L. Kroepel

Kroepel and Sister Marilyn M. Roques

(Note the impish smiles—no doubt conspiring/plotting something sneaky/devious!!!)


Sara T(oga) and Kroepel Snoozin' Together

Kroepel, Janice and G W Bush

Kroepel, Niece Meri-Lyn, Grandpa Don Roques, Grandma Marilyn Roques & Wesley Lathrop

Kroepel With Wesley Lathrop (First Son of Niece Merri-Lyn Lathrop)

Wesley Lathrop Instructing Kroepel On The Finer Points of Piano Playing

(Wesley is most likely complaining about a melodic interpretation or a chord Kroepel was using.)

The Soon-To-Be-Over-The-Hill-Band

From left: Bob K (seated): Piano/Pedalbass/Vocals/Basic Leadership;
Jim Snarski: Sax/Flute/Masculine Sex Appeal;
David Seavey: Drums/Masculine Sex Appeal
At the Inn On Newfound Lake, Bristol, NH.

Kroepel and Master Chef Roosevelt Langley At The Langley House Inn, Jackson, NH

R Langley Serenading Kroepel After Hours/No Customers Around


Our Former Part-Time Dog (RIP—Australian Blue Heeler)
A. K. A.
Apache, Apatchimus-Awatchimous, Patchimous-Watchy, P. W. Watchy, Pooch Person

Squirrel Island Scenes

(Vacation Home of Stuart and Leslie Scovelle, Boothbay Harbor, Maine)

Stu, Janice, and Leslie on board The Novelty

Heading out of Boothbay Harbor to Squirrel Island

The Novelty

The Novelty is the ferry for Squirrel Island

The Squirrel Island Freight Dock

The Squirrel Island Freight Dock is the landing for the Novelty and its passengers and freight.

Mary-Kate Joyce

ary-Kate Joyce 1
Mary-Kate in Studio #3 at Earcraft Music, Dover, NH

Dr. Albert Ellis. Developer of Rational-Emotive-Behavior-Therapy (REBT)

r. Albert Ellis & Bob K 1

Roger Lee Easton, Developer of the US GPS Navigation System

oger Lee Easton and Bob K